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Unique, encrypted credentials means your meeting is secure

amirzia |

When I had just graduated from university, I moved back to the west coast with my parents. Not a big deal, I thought, many people do that. What I didn’t expect was that my presence would be an issue to many who lived in their building. My parents had moved into a 55+ condo. I can’t begin to count the number of times I was greeted with a suspicious, “just visiting…?”. It got so common that my wife (girlfriend at the time) bought me a pin  that said ‘Just Lurking’ on it – I actually wore it on my jacket.

In my case, the suspicion wasn’t warranted. But in some cases, where there are real results on the line for your members, a little suspicion may be a good thing. During bargaining, strange things can happen. Moles appear out of nowhere, information is leaked, management tries to pull some interesting stunts. Anyone who has been through this knows what I’m talking about.

That’s why we have built our new in-meeting voting system Motion Meetings to ensure that can’t happen in your virtual meetings. Our meeting links are unique, encrypted and can’t be shared. It’s like a credential to allow you to enter the meeting. That means you can rest assured that everyone in the meeting is supposed to be there, and you won’t have someone lurking in the shadows listening to your strategy and what you’re saying to your members.

Our system’s security also makes voting in the meeting a breeze, whether online, on the phone or in-person. Our system records every attendee as well in the reporting, so you can see exactly who has attended. This way, you don’t have to either create elaborate registration workarounds or tedious and painful roll calls while dozens or hundreds of members wait for you to finish with other video conferencing systems.

Motion Meetings will ensure you don’t have anyone lurking in the shadows who isn’t supposed to be there. So you can speak freely and say what you need to say to get the best result for your members.

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